Ah, spring time in the Rockie's, the air is brisk. Brisk Hell, it was down right cold, at least it did not rain like weather person suggested.
My plans were to use this weekend to get used to the new Sigma lens. It is going to take a little getting used to as it is just so big. On Saturday they had motorcycles on the East track, Go-Karts on the go-kart track and sports cars on the West track. On Sunday only the sports cars ran. I did take a couple of pictures of the motorcycles but my main focus was on cars. Sometime this Summer I will go just for the cycles. I Met with John Gardner at Miller and made all of the necessary arrangements for my photo journalist credentials for the season.
The only downside of the weekend at the track was what I consider bad manners, poor taste and just downright rudeness of at least one of the racers. I was in the garage taking pictures of cars and people and I came across a possible interesting photo. While getting the photos one of the racers was giving me the finger. Now don't get me wrong I'm not a prude, but the one thing I do not like is bad manners and rudeness. I can understand if you don't want a picture taken. Just tell me. No problem. At the time I was also wearing my orange Miller Photographers vest, so it was not like I was just some John Doe wandering around clicking pictures. Giving me the finger and thinking that is cute or funny, that is his right. It is also my right to ignore him and his like. Therefore I do not plan on posting pictures of that group of race cars. Pity, some people are just asses. Do not expect any photos from me of Miller racing Mustangs any more this season. I do not need being flipped off and I do not need pictures if Mustangs, believe me there are enough other cars and lots and lots of friendly owners and drivers who do not mind having their pictures taken and usually are more than happy to share information with me.
So much for my soap box speech. There were several interesting and fast cars at Miller this past weekend, including a Porsche that raced at Sebring a few weeks ago, at least three new Stohr D-Mods. I also came across my first Audi R-8, an older Alfa and a Ferrari 308.
Today just a few random photos.